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Our Beliefs

The Bible

We believe that the Word of God is infallible, inerrant, and inspired. We further believe that God has preserved it for the English-speaking people in the authorized King James Bible.

The Trinity

We believe that God eternally exists in three persons and that these three are one God having the exact same nature, attributes, and perfections but with different offices and functions. We believe that God the Father is the First Person of the Godhead, eternal, self-existent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Godhead, only begotten of the Father, and the Savior of all who by faith accept Him. He is perfect God and perfect man, never changing; He was born of a virgin, and became the Redeemer of sinners through His death and resurrection. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Godhead eternally proceeding from the Father and Son and dwelling within every believer. His work to the believer consists of regeneration, indwelling, baptizing, teaching, discernment, filling, sealing, etc.


We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God and that he fell through sin. As a result, he lost his spiritual life becoming dead in trespasses and sins. We also believe that this sin nature of man has been transmitted to the entire human race making every child of Adam born into the world with a nature, which is sinful. Apart from Divine Grace we cannot be saved.


We believe that a person can only be saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Through repentance and believing, the sinner receives the new birth, and having experienced the new birth, is saved for all eternity. Once a person is saved, he is justified (the act of God whereby He declares as righteous the sinner who believes); he is sanctified (but not made perfect); and he is preserved.

Heaven and Hell

Heaven will be the eternal abode of all believers where they will forever rejoice in the presence of the Lord. Hell is the eternal abode of all unbelievers where they will be eternally separated from God and consciously punished and tormented in the Lake of Fire.

The Church

We believe that God has established the local church to carry on His work. This work is to glorify God and edify the believer so he can evangelize the world. The church has only two offices: pastor and deacon. The pastor is the under-shepherd of Jesus Christ. He feeds, guides, warns, and leads the church. The deacons are given to assist him in his duties. There are two ordinances that the local church has been charged with keeping: the Lord’s Supper and baptism. Both of these ordinances are symbolic of the work of Christ and have no saving merit.

Things to Come

(Pre-millennial, Pre-tribulational, Dispensational) We believe that the next event in God’s timetable is the Rapture of the Church. The Rapture is followed by the Tribulation; then Christ returns to the Battle of Armageddon which ushers in the Millennial reign of Christ.


We believe that there are two areas of separation for the believer:
Ecclesiastical: We believe that we must not cooperate with liberal organizations, men who are lost, erring brethren, and those who do not take similar stands of separation.
Personal: We also believe that how we appear, what we say, what we do, and where we go is important. We believe that biblical principles of modesty and identification are important in consideration of appearance.


We also believe that all music in every church should be conservative and God-honoring in its music, words, and presentation.


We believe that the only legitimate marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

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